Robots for Everyone

Join the XRP Community

Our forum is the place to find and share designs, code, and curriculum for XRP!

How To Get Your Kit?

Get Your XRP started kit from one of your preferred partners. Discounted kits are available for all First Team participants.

WPILib Compatible

Extensions are available for emulating WPILib on the XRP, providing a familiar development environment for FIRST participants. WPILib contains a set of useful classes and subroutines for interfacing with various parts of the FRC control system (such as sensors, motor controllers, and the driver station), and provides an assortment of other utilities.

Build Your Talent Pipeline

The XRP makes learning robotics more accessible than ever! It’s the perfect tool for beginners, and can help learners ramp up to bigger challenges, like FIRST.

Summer Programs

With tools like Blockly, and unparalleled portability and affordability, XRP is a great option for summer programs, robotics boot camps, and local competitions. Subscribe to our newsletter and join the forum to stay informed on program templates that can help you expand access to robotics education.

Get More Students Involved

We understand how difficult it can be to give every interested student hands-on experience with robotics. The XRP is a practical way to expand your talent pipeline by giving even complete beginners the opportunity to write and test code, preparing them for more meaningful contributions to robotics teams.

Get Everyone Off The Sidelines

The XRP is more than just a robotics kit. With open-source code and hardware, there are countless opportunities to build proficiency in programming, electronics, 3D-printing, and design. Our community is already producing exciting new applications for our components in agriculture, biotech and other fields than can help your learners stay ahead of the technology curve.
Young students working on their robot for the FIRST Championship in Houston in 2021.

Exciting Competitions

In a Mountain Mayhem Summer Robotics Camp students take their first steps on an exciting learning adventure. In this action-packed camp they’ll gain valuable, skills as they collaborate with their team and explore programming and engineering through building and programming their robots.

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