Robots for Everyone.

XRP is an affordable, easy to use gateway to robotics education, offering free curriculum and resources to help students take their first steps into engineering, automation, and software development.

Join the XRP Community

Our forum is the place to find and share designs, code, and curriculum for XRP!

XRP isn’t just a hardware platform

It’s a learning platform! Educators can leverage XRP to offer students hands-on experience with a variety of STEM disciplines. We work with a consortium of leading schools and employers to add new curricula, features, and events to guarantee that your students learn skills that will prepare them to pursue fruitful careers in STEM fields

Bridge to

XRP is the perfect way to get complete robotics beginners on track to valuable contributors to FIRST robotics teams. The portability and affordability of the XRP make it a great way to expand participation in robotics programs.

Intro course:

Introduction to the XRP is a free online course provided by Worchester Polytechnic Institute that helps students and teachers alike get started. In addition to the on-demand course content, you’ll be able to attend live online office hours with WPI robotics faculty and staff, and join our growing online professional learning community where you can ask questions and get answers.

Professional Learning Community

Join us on Discourse to participate in discussions between educators, students, and STEM professionals about how to use and teach with XRP.

Order your kit

It’s easy to get started! Get your first XRP from either of our manufacturing partners.
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